
Who is Presto for?

Presto is for the beginning pianist ages 7-12  with little to no prior piano experience.

Presto teaches so much more than piano! We teach COMPLETE musicianship: vocal training, ear training, sight reading, music theory, rhythm, music history, proper piano technique, and we do it in a fun, snappy style that tweens love! Most likely, those students who already have had a year or so of piano haven't studied all areas of music. In fact, they most likely have only dabbled a little in rhythm, have some note reading skills, and developed some finger strength. We include an optional "challenge" section written into the Presto curriculum to satisfy the appetite of hard working students and that of students who already have finger dexterity built from previous piano lessons.

What is the commitment?

This is a 2 year program. When signing up you are committing to participate in both years barring any unforseen circumstances like moving, job loss, etc.

Class is 1 hour per week. Students are expected to practice daily. Practice can take anywhere from 20-45 min. Depending on your child’s personality. Parents are expected to sit with their child at the piano the first practice every week to go over video explanations and make sure they understand the week’s material. Parents do not attend class except on lesson 15 for a small Christmas recital and station day. 


Is paid to the teacher once for the year. $50 on venmo, cash or check.


Is paid to the teacher. $125/month


Purchased from letsplaymusicsite.com at time of enrollment. Materials are sent to the teacher and they will distribute them to you close to the beginning of class start at a mandatory parent orientation meeting.